Interested Buyers Looking at Dublin Ranch Homes are Encouraged to Act Now.
As part of a weekly email marketing campaign, we received an interesting article last week from a local loan professional. If what it says is true, loan rates for interested buyers may be increasing substantially in the coming months and it may be worthwhile considering your purchase of a Dublin Ranch home sooner, rather than later.
The following is an excerpt of the article:
“Although home loan rates are very attractive now, the picture could be quite different as some inflationary factors will likely come to light heading into summer. Oil prices may be on the rise as we approach the summer driving season, some of the economic stimulus might begin to take hold, corporate cost-cutting measures could start to bear fruit, and, perhaps most importantly, the Fed will no longer be a buyer of Mortgage Bonds. These are all ingredients in a recipe that could very easily result in significantly higher interest rates this summer…so if you have been thinking about acting on a home loan, do not delay.”
But with no hint of inflation in the current market, why would Bond traders be fearful now? Are they listening to strange voices and what did they say? The forward looking markets got an earful from Fed Governor Frederic Mishkin last week…and he’s not the only one. Mishkin said that “inflation could come to the forefront, given all of the government programs”, and “once the economy recovers, liquidity must be taken out of the markets”…meaning the Fed may need to rapidly hike rates down the road, to control the potential of inflation.
You can make smarter decisions than many have made in the past, simply by making financial decisions based on logic versus emotion. It’s important, though, to be “plugged in” to professionals who have their pulse on the market (and who you can trust), and not to base your decisions on the media, cocktail party chatter, or the advice of your auto mechanic. Today’s buying opportunities will not last forever; it’s important to act sooner rather than later, and to work with professionals who come highly recommended.
No one can see the future, but Dublin Ranch Lifestyle is committed to keeping our pulse on the market and to helping you improve your prosperity, wealth, and abundance, through real estate. We have a list of clients who have volunteered to be references for us because they’ve had a good experience and want to spread the word. Let us know if you would like that list, and how we can help you, today.
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