Our Company’s Initiatives
Real estate brokers are traditionally known for two things: big, flashy cars and burning through a forest’s worth of paper on any given day. In our quest to do things better, we’ve taken on some initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint and provide our clients with a responsible choice.
Environmental Responsibility
A few years back, we introduced another option that allows our clients to do a completely paperless transaction. Using the security features of DocuSign, you can review and “sign” your paperwork right on your screen, eliminating the need to print, sign, scan, and fax or email someone else to print, sign, scan and send back. We’ve also helped our clients stay in the loop with the most current status of their transaction by incorporating Basecamp project management software into our day-to-day operations. Basecamp allows us to “invite” our clients to a project so that they can view a calendar of their transaction’s events, tasks to be completed, and more. If either of these transaction options sound appealing to you, ask us for more information!

Of course, if you feel more comfortable, we can still do a paper transaction — feel free to ask. Just because we’re working hard to be innovative doesn’t mean our more “traditional” clients have to be nervous or uncomfortable. Progress only works if it’s a good fit for you. At the end of all of our transactions, we provide our clients with a CD containing the entire transaction’s file: contracts, disclosures, inspections, and any other important documents will be in one place that you can place in your files for safe-keeping and future reference.
We Burn Fewer Fossil Fuels

Real estate is a mobile business, and we spend a LOT of time on the road. We typically average about 25,000 miles per year, but in 2009 we logged over 48,000 miles — a record for one year! If we were a company driven by gas guzzlers, as many real estate brokerages are, we would have a massive carbon footprint. That’s not something to be proud of.
Our business plan calls for the eventual acquisition of a property management vehicle, and our research has indicated that the best fit will be a BMW i3; it’s an electric vehicle that gets 81 miles per charge (or 150 miles with the range extender), which is perfect for managing properties around the East Bay Area. That’s progress we, and our clients, can feel good about.
You don’t have to spend much time on our blog or our Twitter feed to see that our President is a big fan of the Tesla Model S. The Model S is perfect for our business — it’s an all-electric, zero emissions vehicle with a 300 mile range. Even better, it was designed in California and is built right here in the East San Francisco Bay Area. A vehicle that grows our local economy with manufacturing jobs and drastically reduces our carbon footprint is exciting for us, and as our company grows we plan to acquire one.
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